
Microsoft Office Price Increase

Microsoft Office 365 Price Increase.

If you use Microsoft 365 or formerly Office 365 (Word, Excel, Outlook, Onedrive, etc) The price will been increased by Microsoft at your next renewal.  Most people pay for this Yearly.

If you have 365 Personal (one user) it will increase to £84.99, previously £59.99.

If you have 365 Home it will increase to £104.99, previously £79.99.

This now includes Co-pilot which is the AI developed by Microsoft.   For more information click here.

You maybe able to avoid the Microsoft Office 365 price increase If you wish to have Office 365 without Co-Pilot. You can change your Office 365 plan from Home to Basic in your Microsoft account. It will then stay at £79.99 as I understand it. You will get the same software as before but without the Co-Pilot option.

If you do not use office much but would like to have the option there is a free online version.  This has most of the functionality that the desktop version has but you use it from the browser eg Microsoft edge, Google Chrome, etc.  So its a bit like accessing any other web site or page but is has Word,etc, displayed.  Try this at or click the link below.  Most people will already have a Microsoft account anyway.  You were pushed to create one when you setup your PC.


If you need help with this, give me a shout.

Co-Pilot Logo

The Amazon Email Scam

The Amazon Email Scam.

Amazon Scam Email

No its not a scam from amazon but a scammer trying to look like Amazon.





The Amazon Scam Email has been around for a while in many forms. This one dropped into my mail box this week. Its something for you to watch out for. Initially it looks like an email from Amazon. Nothing new there.  Click the image above to see a larger view of the Amazon scam email.

How can you tell its an Email scam.

1. It says “Dear Customer”. I would at least expect your name.
2. If you look at the top to see where it has been sent from it says but if you hover over it the real address is displayed.


.ar is the domain for Argentina.

So what are they trying to get you to do? Well panic you into thinking your account is now locked and for you to click the


My Internet security picked this up immediately and blocked it. I have checked the link and as expected it takes you to a page that looks like amazon and asks you to login.

BINGO!! 👌The scammers would have your login details and password and can then order on your account. Also they will most likely try the details you gave on lots of other websites because most people use the same details on multiple sites. They may also use it to try and access your email account. If they get into your email they can use your account to scam others by pretending to be you. They can also reset passwords to other services or suppliers you use.


🚦Delete the email and forget about it. 👍

If you are still concerned, go to in you browser. Open Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, which ever browser you like to use and type in This will take you straight to the genuine site. You can then safely login. If there is a problem with your account it will say so at this point.

If you are still worried, give me a call. I am more than happy to put your mind at rest. 😀

Spot The Fake Holiday Advert Scams

Spot the Fake Holiday Scams.

Perranport beach

I think most of us are in the need of a holiday, be it at home in the UK or abroad.  Scammers know this and that we all want a bargain but do beware.  Things to look out for are:

  1. Very cheap online deals. You can get some good online deals but if it looks too good, it probably is.
  2. Check Logos on websites, do they look correct. You can check they are ATOL protected at ATOL Check. 
  3. Watch for fake listings on booking sites like Airbnb and various holiday letting sites.  Do not be rushed to make a booking and payment by the owner.
  4. Do not pay by bank transfer if you don’t know them.  Its almost impossible to get your money back from a transfer.  Use a credit or debit card.  Always paying using the websites paying system.
  5. Reviews are always worth a look but there are many people who offer fake reviews.  Check on various review sites.  Don’t go by just one source.  Look at what has been written and when.  Often you will get multiple good reviews written all at the same or very similar times.
  6. Beware of FREE Holiday offers.  This is often the sign of some sort of holiday ownership purchase like time share.  Any high pressure selling is a sure fire way of spotting a scam or at the very least signing up to an agreement you may not have done otherwise. 

 For more advice on booking holiday and what to look out for check out

Beware of the DVLA Scam

The Fake DVLA Scam

Not sure how long this email has been around but its the first time I have seen it.  The email is below.  It basically says than my car has no road tax and its the last warning I will receive from the DVLA.  I should then follow the green link and pay it.  Now viewing this on my PC it looks dodgy but if you viewed it on your phone its less obvious..


Things to look for:

The “from” address says GOV.UK.  But after that it says  TKMsoftware ???? nothing to do with the DVLA.

Also it is not addressed to anyone. No reference to the vehicle.

I have followed the “START NOW” link (I would not advise you do this).  Firstly, I got a warning from Windows Defender to avoid this site.  I continued and I then had a warning from Kaspersky, my internet security.  I continued and was presented with screen that was a copy of the DVLA site, see below.  It asks for all my details, Name, DOB, Address and then my bank card details.  The only thing it does not ask for is any details of my car.  Not the registration, the V45 logbook details or anything to link the payment to my car

Once again if you look at the web page it has taken me to, it should be not, its

My best advice is DO NOT FOLLOW LINKS IN EMAILS.  Even if you think it maybe genuine go to GOV.UK. Open a browser (edge, Chrome, Firefox) and open the genuine page from there.

Rather than look at what is presented to you, look for what is missing it can often be a dead give away.


How to Report a Fake Web Site.

How to recognise and report a fake website or social media page

I was having the usual look through Facebook earlier this week when I came across a page that looked like a genuine BBC News report.  It was talking about Robert Peston a well known BBC reporter.  He had been on a ITN program so the report claimed and was making various claims of how to make money.  Nothing new there articles like this often appear on social media.  99% fake.

What struck me at the time was the page displayed was almost exactly like a BBC News web page. The menus, the colours, the font. Everything, so it looked like a BBC page. Only things was, none of the links to other articles worked. If you clicked, they did nothing.  “Strange” I thought.  After scrolling down the article there was one link that was active.  This took you to another page with no relation to the BBC at all.  It was a fake money trading site.  See the image below.  It gave the false impression that Robert Peston had made lots of money via this site and that the BBC and ITN had reported it as being the place to invest your money.

This got me thinking!!

How do you report a fake web site?

If you find a site you think is fake then take a moment if you can, and report it to the National Cyber Security Site, click the image below.  It only takes a few minutes and may stop someone being fooled and scammed by these sites.


Hertfordshire Police Warn Residents of an Increase in Scammers Phone Calls

Scam Alert

Hertfordshire Police Warn Residents of an Increase in Scammers Phone Calls

Hertfordshire Police have again this week warned of an increase in phone scammers reporting to be from your Bank or the Police.  Many of these will spoof the number, this means they can make the number that appears on your phone to look like the genuine number the bank or police would use.

See the link below.  To view the police Facebook page.

If you think you may have been the target of a phone scam call you bank on the number on the back of you debit or credit card or call 159.

You can report the call or call 0300 123 2040.  The more people who report it the more chance there is of closing them down.


Amazon Scam Warning.

Amazon Scam Warning.


I received an email from Amazon today. I verified it was genuine first.  It is regarding methods used by scammers and customer accounts.  It talks about what to look out for and also what Amazon will and will not ask you for over the phone or via email.  Its well worth a quick read.

Click this link to view the warning Amazon have provided regarding Amazon Scammers


Anti Virus Email Scams!

Anti Virus Email Scams.

These are emails that try to appear as if they have come from an Internet Security company like McAfee, Norton and many others.

In the example below which I received this week, it claims it is from McAfee. This has nothing to do with McAfee.

phishing email

McAfee fake email

I can tell this is fake immediatley but I see these type of emails regularly.  If you click the above image it will be easier to see.  It is only an image so will cause no security risk.

How can you identify it as fake?

  • Firstly at the top where it says who it is from, it says  That has nothing to do with McAfee.  If it said McAfee Support or some other name it may still not be genuine (the “from” address can say anything.  Its called Email Spoofing) if you hover over the address it should show what address is behind the name.
  • It says “Secure Status” which is not correct and is says “Suspended”. Further down it says “Ended on Today”
  • It also says 89% discount (seems too good to be true) and the offer ends today. That is to encourage you to renew it NOW, so you are secure and do not loose out on the offer.  They are trying to scare you into making a rash decision.

It is quite a poor example of a scam email, there is no logo or branding.  They are not necessary after your money.  Most likely they want you to try to renew and they then get your email address and password which they can then try on other sites.

If you are not sure just delete it. They are phishing for information.

If you are worried give me a call I am more than happy to advise.

Stay Safe.

Virginmedia Email Problems

As many are aware, VirginMedia have been having major problems with email since Sunday 18th June. They have reported that all users should now be able to login to their email. However historical email, so all email and folders prior to 18th may not yet be available.

This is the most recent statement from VirginMedia Support

Update – 22/06/23

We have now restored the ability to send and receive emails for all affected accounts. Our team are continuing to work flat out to restore historic emails into the inboxes of a small proportion of accounts. We apologise again for any inconvenience caused over the past two days.


Update 28/6/2023

Virgin Media

Further to my email to you on Friday 23 June, I wanted to provide you with a brief update on your Virgin Media email service.

While you can still send and receive emails as normal, our teams are continuing to work on restoring historic emails into your inbox. Unfortunately, this is taking longer than we first anticipated.

We will be in touch before the end of this week to confirm when historic emails will be restored.

Our teams are working around the clock to fix this issue and we sincerely apologise that this is taking longer than expected.

Kind regards,
Axel Wehrle
Director of Customer Service, Virgin Media
Virgin Media


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